The Farley Group

Why Train For Track and Field Indoors

Why Track and Field Training is Moving Indoors


Indoor track and field seems like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? How could traditionally outdoor events be moved inside? Well track-running and jumping sports can be moved inside—if you have the right venue.


The 2016 Summer Olympic Games are fast approaching. In August, thousands of athletes from around the world will convene in Rio de Janeiro to see which nation will come out on top. All countries that compete have the potential to win, but more often than not, the victor is often decided which athletes have the best training regimens and venues.

Countries that invest in their athletes tend to do well. The United States, in particular, usually lead in medal counts. They came away with a whopping 104 medals at the 2012 Summer Olympics.


So what does the US do that keeps their athletes on top? Well the answer to that one is complex and likely has a complicated sociological and economical answer, so we won’t even try to answer it in this blog!


However, it might have something to do with new methods of training. Perhaps it might have something to do with the fact that our multisport air-supported training facilities are popping up all over the country. We like to think so anyways, and there might be something to the idea.


Track and field sports take up space. A lot of space. So much space, that it makes no sense to build indoor facilities to house running tracks, jumping pits, or many other field sports. After all, there’s plenty of room outside to practice these.

But elite athletes need to train all of the time. Olympic runners need to hit the track every day, which means that they can’t be left at the mercy of outdoor conditions. If there’s rain, wind, lightning or any other dangerous weather, runners need to train indoors. This is how elite, Olympic-level athletes stay in such amazing shape.


What about everyone else though? We’re not all on team USA with access to premier training facilities, so how can the up-and-comers hope to compete? By moving their own training indoors, of course!


Indoor training facilities for sports like track and field are becoming more and more accessible. Air supported domes are the answer to providing accessible training venues that provide more space than an athlete could need, while protecting them from the elements.


Air domes can easily house full size running tracks, and a wide open field for any sport that needs massive amounts of space. The open turf space is perfect for nearly any field sport. The indoor fields can even double as soccer or even football fields. Multisport domes are perfect for track and field and are a financially realistic way to provide large indoor training facilities to massive amounts of people.


The rise of air domes could have a tremendous impact on the future of track and field sports. Perhaps colder countries, like Canada (our native land), will create better-equipped athletes and boost the level of competition even further. If our training isn’t playing catch-up because of the seasonality of training facilities, our athletes will most definitely be catching up on the track!

The Farley Group Blog at 12:10 PM
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