The Farley Group

Can Pests Get Into An Air Dome?

Pests as Guests? Not a Worry in an Air Dome

Rats, birds, mice, and bugs are all unwanted visitors and are an annoying reality to deal with when it comes to running a building. The costly hassle of keeping these pests away or fumigation is a battle in and of itself. Bigger buildings and structures provide lots of hidden spaces that can easily become a nest or a cozy home to critters. Are pests as big of a problem for bubbles as they are for other large facilities? Nope!

Anecdotally, we just don’t see much of an issue with pests in bubbles and when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Where would critters hide? There aren’t any walls or structures to hide in and there are no uncontrolled access points.

Our closest run in with wildlife would be seagulls at our manufacturing bubble.


A Bubble for the Birds?

At The Farley Group dome, we had an issue with seagulls using the bubble as a landing pad for its comfort and support, or so we guess. As for their attraction to a bubble, we’re not sure and have never really heard about any of our customers experiencing this.

In order to resolve the problem and deter the seagulls from landing on top of the bubble, fake owls were our answer! Although the seagulls couldn’t do any real damage, they do make quite a mess and the excreta (or bird poop) can be a chore to clean off.

Other than that, work in the Farley dome has yet to be disturbed by any other animals moving in.


No Pests, No Problem!

When rodents and other pests come to mind, it doesn’t seem to come up with domes. With other large facilities, birds can be an issue when they fly in and cannot get back out. A bird in an air-structure could be a definite nuisance. Luckily, having a two-door airlock system or revolving door creates barrier to entry for birds. Of course, these door systems are to avoid letting the air out, they also serve as a perfect bird-bouncer system!

No Room for Guests

What’s another thing that air structures have over brick and mortar buildings? How about no hidden spaces between walls or inside the support structure? This means that there’s no room for any unwanted guests. Even if something manages to make it through the tear resistant fabric, the escaping air will be enough to grab your attention. A dome’s alarm is designed to go off if the pressure is dropping, which means any hole would likely be patched up before an animal decided to move in.

From the ground up, a bubble will keep the pests from becoming unwanted guests. Other structures have to factor in the additional costs of pest control or exterminators in their financial budget, but a dome doesn’t run into these issues. Isn’t it easier to manage a building without the hassle of pests? We think so!

The Farley Group Blog at 11:10 AM
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