The Farley Group

Is an Air Supported Dome Right for You?

Is an Air Supported Dome Right for You? You Might be Surprised!


While air dome popularity is growing each year, many might not realize that a dome could solve their needs for a large, clear span facility. If you’re reading this, you’ve likely already started to think about air structures and whether they could work for you. Here is a list (simplified, of course) of things for you to consider when deciding if a dome is right for you.


How Soon do You Need It?


Don’t get us wrong, designing a dome, laying the foundation and manufacturing do take time, but the time can easily be a lot shorter than building a facility with steel and brick.


This isn’t always the case—a large construction team can put together a building quite quickly—but generally speaking, a dome is a quicker route to a completed, ready-to-use facility.


Sports Dome


What is This For?


The Farley Group has built domes of all sizes for purposes that not even we had thought of. In truth, the purposes for which a bubble can be used are near endless, so whatever you’re planning, a dome could likely fit your needs. But just because something can work, doesn’t mean it’s the right choice.


Domes are great for anything that needs a lot of space, so things like sports, storage facilities, and large work spaces all work well in a dome.


Sports that are typically outdoor sports, work particularly well in a dome. Activities like soccer, baseball, football, lacrosse, tennis, golf…any sport that needs a lot of space will be at home in a dome. If you’re looking for an indoor soccer facility, a dome is probably your best choice!


How Much Space Do You Need?


Domes provide a lot of space. Probably a lot more space than you might realize. Domes and spheres will always produce the most amount of internal volume with the least amount of material. This is why a dome is more spacious than it would seem. Especially to those who are used to square and rectangular constructions.


Headspace is where domes really excel. With an air dome, there’s never a worry of bumping into the ceiling. The average height of an air dome is about 30% of its width, so even with a 100-foot wide dome—quite small for a dome—would have a roof 30 feet high!


If you need a lot of clear span space without support beams or walls, a bubble is the way to go.


Does it need to be permanent?


Domes work best for applications that are temporary or semi-permanent. If you’re expecting your original investment to still be standing after 50 years, a dome might not be right for you. But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work.


A dome can last for a while if well cared for and maintained—as long as 18 to 25 years—but they still have a set lifespan before the fabric itself begins to wear down. Luckily, the fabric dome can easily be replaced if needed. So a dome could be around for 50 years, but not without replacing the fabric at least once or twice.


If you’re looking for a seasonal facility, though, a dome is the best choice. Setting up in the fall, and putting it away for the summer is the best way to have an outdoor facility that doesn’t need to close up during the winter months. Some applications that work well for seasonal domes are tennis bubbles and swimming pool domes.


Still not sure if a dome is right for you? Contact The Farley Group with some specifics on what you’re looking for. We’re more than happy to help you decide if an air structure is right for you!

The Farley Group Blog at 11:00 AM
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