The Farley Group

4 New Sports Inspired By Soccer

4 New Soccer Derived Sports You’ve Never Heard Of


Soccer is the most popular sport in the world—about 250 million people play the sport. That’s the equivalent of about 5/6ths the entire population of the United States of America. Because the sport spreads so far, not everyone plays the game in the same way. For example, millions of people play soccer indoors in air domes to protect them from poor playing conditions.


There are a lot more variations on the sport than you may realize though. If you’re getting tired of traditional soccer, here are a few soccer-related (perhaps distantly related) sports that might be worth a try…




Voccer is simple. Picture soccer crossed with volleyball and you’ve got the gist. Using a volleyball, this game allows you to use your hands. You must volley the ball into the air just like in volleyball, but the only way to pass the ball to a teammate is with your feet.


The aim is to get the ball into your opponents goal using either your hands or feet.


Ice Soccer


This game is a little bit more dangerous than typical soccer because it involves strapping a couple blades to your feet!


The game is played similar to indoor soccer, but the difference is that it’s played on a sheet of ice, and the players need to skate around the arena. Using a smaller size soccer ball and smaller nets, the game looks a bit more like ice hockey than soccer but it’s definitely a cool way to spend an afternoon.


Players just need to be careful not to slice other players or the ball with their sharp skates!




Footby is another cross sport and mixes elements from soccer, football (the American one), and rugby.


The rules are a bit more complicated to explain, but in play it resembles a much more aggressive and rough and tumble sport that traditional soccer.


If you’ve got a couple full teams that don’t mind a little jostling, check this game out for a fun afternoon on the field.




Hungerball is a soccer variant that seems to be catching on, especially as a party game. It does require more specialized equipment than a traditional game of soccer, though.


Using an inflatable arena, six players enter, each with a net that they must protect. Players lose when they allow too many goals. Alliances form, strategies are decided on the fly, and everyone has a great time.


Like bubble soccer, we think this is a perfect party sport to have in any multisport dome!


Looking for more sports to keep your soccer team busy? Or to offer patrons of your multisport dome? Check out any of the above new soccer games to spice up your indoor soccer play! And if you have suggestions on other soccer type games that are new and up-and-coming, let us know in the comments!

The Farley Group Blog at 11:20 AM
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