The Farley Group

15 Activities You Can Do in A Bubble


Have you ever tried to tell a friend about how great air-supported domes are only to be told, “Eh, they’re only good for tennis.” You know it’s not true and it’s time they —and anyone else unfamiliar with these engineering marvels—knew the truth. To that end, we have assembled a handy list of 15 things you can do in a bubble besides playing tennis.


1.  Soccer


One of the most beloved sports, soccer becomes challenging to play in this part of the world when the thermostat starts plunging. Not the case in a dome: if you have always thought about playing soccer over the Christmas holidays, you no longer need to fly to Florida. Here are five reasons why you should be playing soccer indoors.


2.  Golf


Another sport that is seasonal in Canada, but season-free in a dome. Need to work on your putt or your drive? Put in some dome time over the winter so you can more than hold your own come springtime. Who wouldn’t love to have a course and a clubhouse under one roof?


3.  Basketball


You need very little equipment to play basketball, but it is always more fun to play in a warm and dry area. Learn more about basketball’s health benefits here.


4.  Badminton


Tennis too rigorous for you? Want to do something with good health benefits, but does not work up quite as much of a sweat? Trade that ball for a bird! If anyone kids you about your love of badminton, remind them it is an Olympic sport played in domes.


5.  Volleyball


Looking for a way to burn off those Christmas calories? Volleyball is a wonderful sport to choose if your goal is to stay fit and build your muscles. Read about the Volleydome, where skilled players prepare themselves for Olympic competition.

6.  Rugby


If your friend who mentioned tennis above thinks that domes cannot accommodate a “man’s man” game like rugby, he would be wrong again. Go here to learn about playing rugby in a dome.


7.  Running


Everyone knows the benefits of running and jogging. How about having those plusses without the minuses or bad weather, traffic, animal attacks, et cetera? In fact, a number of track and field events are increasingly staged in domes.


8.  Paintball


It may not be an Olympic sport, but paintball is a popular pastime that can provide a real workout and you don’t need a large field or forest. Not convinced? Here are five reasons to play paintball in a dome.


9.  Cycling


Yes, bubbles can be an excellent place for a velodrome. They’re so effective, in fact, the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs upgraded their velodrome a few years back by adding a dome so Olympic and Paralympic athletes can continue to hone their cycling skills year-round.


10.  Frisbee


Frisbee is seen as a traditional field or beach sport, so why would you want to play it indoors? Well, true connoisseurs prefer ideal conditions. The controlled environment of a dome gives you these conditions without such distractions as harsh winds or blinding sunlight. In fact, domes are used quite frequently as staging grounds for Ultimate Frisbee competitions.

OK, so yes, domes are great for quite a few sporting activities. But that’s it, right? No!


11.  Birthday Parties


Don’t want to deal with a mob of kids in your home or yard? Domes provide a vast space for them to run around and burn off all of that sugar-induced energy without tearing up your garden or scaring your cat to death. Plan your child’s next birthday party in a no fuss, controlled environment.


12.  Corporate Events


Are you expecting representatives from both your firm and parent companies for a big event your onsite meeting room just cannot accommodate? No problem—domes can provide space, convenience, and savings. Here are some more reasons why your next corporate event should be in a dome.


13.  Holiday Celebrations


Have a big family? We all love to get together over the holidays, but between little kids, big kids, and all of those adults, things can get very crowded. The Farley Group held its annual children’s Christmas party in the most fun place we could think of: our own air dome.


14.  Summer Camp


Going to summer camp is a cher

ished part of childhood for many kids. Well, except for the parts where it rained so much you had to go inside. Several facilities figured out a great way around Mother Nature by including summer camp programs on their dome schedules.


15.  Movies


You can see movies in a movie theatre or at a drive-in, so why would you want to run one in a dome? Inflatable screens as big as 100 feet tall mean you no longer need a permanent venue to enjoy a movie. Even the biggest IMAX screen could not compete with watching a movie inside a dome!

The Farley Group Blog at 10:21 AM
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