The Farley Group

6 Tips to Improve Ultimate Frisbee Skill

6 Tips To Improve Your Ultimate Frisbee Skills


Ultimate Frisbee is a team sport, non-contact, where you throw a flying disc known as a Frisbee to your teammates. You score points in the game by people catching the Frisbee in the opposing team’s end zone of the field. Sound simple so far?


As with any sport, beginners can feel a little overwhelmed or otherwise discouraged if they are not immediately great at playing the game. However, just like with any sport, you can improve your Ultimate Frisbee skills! Want to give this a shot? Here are six tips to get you started on improving your Ultimate Frisbee skills today:


Take More Time


In a standard game, you will have roughly ten seconds to throw the Frisbee to the next person. Many people, especially when someone is blocking or stalling them, try to throw it as quickly as possible. However, we actually think taking your time and using eight or nine seconds will help increase the number of successful throws. These extra seconds give you time to scan the field better and pick out a teammate better prepared to catch your throw.


Catch With Both Hands


Trying to catch the Frisbee with one hand increases your risk of dropping it and decreases the number of successful catches. So how can you improve your catching ability? Always try to catch the Frisbee with both hands! It makes your grip stronger and provides more opportunity to catch. The only reason you should catch the Frisbee with one hand is if you need a few extra inches to stretch and you cannot get both hands out that far.


Don’t Give Up


Many people make the mistake of thinking they have missed out on the catch if they do not get the Frisbee before it flies overhead. However, you can catch it a lot more if you never give up on the catch unless the Frisbee is on the ground. So even if it flies above you, run a little backwards to try the catch again. You will miss more catches by giving up than you will by trying to run backwards and catch it.


Keep Calm


More often than not, when people lose their cool during a game or even just practice, their performance tends to dip in quality. So especially while you are learning, it is important to remain calm even if you make a mistake, miss a catch, et cetera when playing Ultimate Frisbee. Do not let yourself destroy your confidence! Remaining calm will help you focus better, learn from what you did wrong, and fix it the next time.


Fake A Throw


Do you have to throw immediately? No. If someone is trying to block your throw, you have the perfect opportunity to make their game a little unsteady by faking a throw! All you need to do is do everything you would leading up to the Frisbee throw, including the exact hand motion, but just do not let go. You will, of course, have to move quickly once you fake the throw, so be sure to have an idea of where you actually want to throw the Frisbee ahead of time.


Practice Makes Perfect


Of course, the best piece of advice out there when it comes to improving your Ultimate Frisbee skills is this: practice makes perfect. The more you practice playing this game, the better you will be at it.


Are you worried about how you will maintain the practice when the months get colder and an outdoor field is no longer an option? This is where a dome comes in handy, since you can practice your Ultimate Frisbee skills all year long without worrying about the weather conditions outside. You can get in as much practice as you want!

The Farley Group Blog at 2:48 PM
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