The Farley Group

Tennis: Secret to a Healthy Lifestyle?

How Tennis Might Be the Secret to a Healthy Lifestyle


We all know that we should be in good health if we want to live a long and enjoyable life but one of the biggest hurdles to being a healthy individual is exercise. Some people have no qualms about strapping on their sneakers for a run, while others love spending hours feeling the burn in the gym. This is great for those that find enjoyment in traditional exercise, but what about everyone else? The unfortunate reality is that most consider exercise to be a chore.


That is, until they find an activity they are passionate about and want to integrate into their busy lives. Tennis just so happens to have done this for millions of people, which is why now it is one of the most played sports in North America.


Our tennis domes have given us a peak into the world of tennis, and tennis players are definitely some of the most impassioned athletes we’ve seen.


Tennis Dome

Have you ever seen an unhealthy tennis player? If you have, they likely won’t be unhealthy for very long!


According to Jack Groppel, who holds a Ph.D. from Florida State University in Exercise Physiology, it’s a commonly accepted fact that tennis is one of the best sports to be involved in when looking at overall health benefits.


Tennis has shown to increase muscle, improve reaction time and even reduce the risk of dying for those that play regularly. Who wouldn’t want to reap all those benefits?


Of course, if you’ve played before, the benefits to playing tennis shouldn’t be surprising. Tennis requires you to be quick on your feet, involves the entire body, and has minimal down time during a match. It’s like sprinting through the gym, blasting reps on each machine as you pass it. The only difference is that tennis is actually fun!


Doctors and health professionals often agree that tennis is a great way to get all the exercise your body needs. The explosive sprints and jogging across the tennis court are ideal for cardio health and stretching to reach and striking balls is great for the muscles.


If you’ve never played before, it isn’t too difficult to get started. You can score a decent racket for not too much money—then pick up a can of tennis balls, some well-fitting sneakers, and some comfy workout clothes and you’re all set.


Tennis clubs are pretty easy to find in most cities—a quick google search will likely find several. Even if you’re in an area where the weather limits the ability to play tennis, there’s likely an indoor tennis facility nearby.


Tennis domes, like the ones The Farley Group builds, are perfect facilities for outdoor tennis facilities that want to stay open during the winter. Courts that are open to the outdoors during the summer and provide indoor training in the winter means that air domes bring the best of both worlds.


So if you’re looking to pick up a new hobby that will bring you enjoyment, as well as keep you in shape, check out a tennis facility near you. You may have just found something new to be passionate about!

The Farley Group Blog at 10:00 AM
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