The Farley Group

Bubble Soccer in a Soccer Bubble?

Bubble-ception: Bubble Soccer in a Soccer Bubble

Fad sports come and go but few are as entertaining to watch as bubble soccer. If you have yet to see this wacky game played, have a look at this YouTube video. Farley air structures aren’t just for serious sport. Is there anything more poetic than playing bubble soccer in a soccer bubble?

Bubble soccer—also known as, zorb football or bubble bump soccer—is a soccer game played on a modified pitch and with an inflatable bubble ball enclosing each player. The bubble covers the entire top half of the player, restricting movement and impairing a player’s vision. The sport creates a hilarious spectacle for anyone watching and many sport fields use the game as a distraction for fans during halftimes of high-level rugby or soccer matches.

According to Bounce Bubble Sports, the game evolved from zorbing—an extreme activity where you climb into a fully enclosed inflatable ball for an exciting but dizzying experience. The smaller bubble developed for bubble soccer does away with the goal of disorienting the wearer and instead focuses on the fun of bouncing around while still keeping some control by leaving the wearer’s legs free for running, jumping, and kicking.

Opponents bump, bash, and bounce off each other as they try to score goals on their opponents’ net. The hits can look brutal but the bubble softens even the mightiest of blows. Bounce Bubble Sports state that the bubbles protect players from injuries, but games still require rules to protect players from injury. You can expect a lot fewer injuries than when playing traditional soccer.

The Cougar Dome Bubble Bump Soccer

The Cougar Dome tennis and multi-sport facility offers bubble sports within a bubble. This air structure houses tennis courts, track and field amenities, golf driving range, and a soccer field that is perfect for bubble soccer. Their bubble soccer is popular for parties and team building events. They even have a bubble bump soccer league!

Soccer Dome

Bubble Party Time!

Bubble soccer isn’t the only fun you can have with these inflatable adornments. The fun and bouncy nature of the bubble has spurred the creation of all sorts of fun bubble games. Some other bubble sports include:

  • Bubble Bowling: Played with a group of bubbled players grouping together as pins and a designated bowler bubble running in and trying to knock down as many as possible.

  • Bubble Sumo: Similar to bubble bowling, bubble sumo involves bouncing into your opponent but here you are both trying to bounce each other out of a ring.

Most will agree that bubble sports aren’t true sports; though anyone who tries bubble soccer will agree it is a fun time. Whether you’re the one bouncing around or the one watching, it’s hard not to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

Farley domes are usually enjoyed by those who are serious about sport, but it’s always great to see the creative ways that people have fun inside of them!

The Farley Group Blog at 11:25 AM
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