The Farley Group

7 Tips to Being a Well-Rounded Runner

Have you ever wanted to be able to run, but just aren’t sure if you have it in you? The Farley Group creates domes that are used for dozens of sports, including the oldest sport of them all: running.


Many multisport air domes have areas that double as track and field space. Running tracks, whether indoors in a dome or outdoors, are a great place to learn to run, but it’s important to learn to run properly before getting too serious about it. Improper running can be unpleasant and can even lead to injuries that could bench you indefinitely. Learn to be a well-rounded runner with these tips!


1. Commitment

First up, you need to commit to running. Each time you lace up those shoes, you need to commit to going a little bit farther than you went yesterday. And when you get back, you need to commit to your next run and make sure you stick to it. Don’t disappoint yourself by forgetting to push yourself.


2. Good shoes

Any runner worth his salt knows this—good shoes make all the difference. Have you ever tried running with a blister? Absolute torture.

Do right by your feet and they’ll do right by you. Spend a bit extra and get some running shoes that fit your feet and your running style.


Running Track Dome         Running Track Bubble


3. Know your limits

This is a tip that many beginner runners fail to remember. What good is it to push yourself so hard that you can’t even get out of bed the next morning to run again?

Pushing yourself too hard will increase your recovery time and make it that much harder to go out for that next run. Finding the balance between how far you can go without hurting yourself is the key to being a daily runner.


4. Vary Your Route

Running can be boring if you’re always doing it in the same place. Try running along trails, down different streets, or move your running to an indoor running track. Don’t get stuck in a rut!


5. Eat Right

Nutrition and diet are just as important as exercise itself. Eat right and give your body the right fuel that it needs to keep you going!


Running Track Bubble         Running Track Bubble


6. See a Running Pro

When you start running—or even before—it’s a good idea to meet with a specialist that can find any problems with your stride, posture, or technique before those imbalances have a chance to injure you. See a running coach or visit an athletic therapist or trainer to make sure that you’re running the right way!



7. Don’t Let the Season Stop You

Many runners are spring and summer runners. As the snow melts and the sun comes out, they dust off their sneakers and start their yearly regimen.

To be a well-rounded runner though, you can’t let the colder weather or snow stop you from running and working out. Move it inside! Find an indoor running track (perhaps in a dome) or join a gym with treadmills. Keeping active over the winter will make running easier and you’ll never feel the pain of easing back into it!


Running is a great way to stay active, but it’s not as simple of a sport as you might think! Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be blazing around that running track—hopefully a running track in an air dome— in no time.

The Farley Group Blog at 10:25 AM
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